To fulfill the need of the student and teacher, the college had provided a laptop to all the faculties of the college, including guest faculties. The use these in the teaching-learning process. Also in our college, we have smart class materials, LCD projector, Overhead projector, whenever teacher need it they use this material. Some time faculties collect the information from college Internet and display the information by a projector. Sometimes the teacher uses a data card. For student we have ICT Lab, they learn ICT in Education as one paper in 2nd Semester. ICT Guest faculty use all the material for the student. For the preparation of a project in powerpoint, presentation students take help from computers in ICT Lab.
In our college, we have an LCD Projector, Overhead projector. All the faculties have a laptop provided by the college including Guest faculties.
The college has smart classroom equipment. Teacher uses this material whenever they need it.Teacher uses Laptop in the classroom activities.
We use the Internet for circulation of information regarding college notices and other academic activities among teacher and students.